Jupiter South Pole by NASA
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by Jose Prudencio

Astrology & Philosophy - A Discourse on Time and Instincts
Jose Prudencio published in 2008 the book Astrology & Philosophy - a discourse on time and instincts in which he makes a philosophical analysis of Astrology, its relations with Science, with Christianity and with Psychoanalysis. It is a journey into the foundations of astrology as a European cultural heritage.
One Sky and Two Ways - José Saramago & José-Augusto França

In 2009, he published the book One Sky and Two Ways - José Saramago & José-Augusto França, in which he analyzed the lives of these two Portuguese writers, who were born on the same day (16.11.1922) and only half an hour apart. The analysis of year-to-year lives and personal conversations with each of the writers - with Saramago in Lanzarote and with France in Jardim da Estrela and in the National Library - reveal striking situations of the application of astrological wisdom.

Works by Jose Prudencio

PRUDENCIO, José (2003) “Astrology as a system of thought”. MA in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology. Bath Spa University.

PRUDENCIO, José (2003) “Christian attitudes towards astrology”. MA in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology. Bath Spa University.

PRUDENCIO, José (2004) “Non-astrological beliefs in the astrological practice”. MA in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology. Bath Spa University.

PRUDENCIO, José (2004) “Astrology and the psychological fallacy”. MA in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology. Bath Spa University.

PRUDENCIO, José (2005) Objections to Astrology – what are the underlying assumptions? Dissertation. MA in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology. Bath Spa University.

PRUDENCIO, José (2008) Astrologia & Filosofia – um discurso sobre o tempo e os instintos. Lisboa. Esfera do Caos Editores.

PRUDENCIO, José (2009) Um Céu e Dois Caminhos – José Saramago e José-Augusto França. Lisboa. Esfera do Caos Editores.

MA in "Cultural Astronomy and Astrology", Bath Spa University, England
Degree in Philosophy from the Portuguese Catholic University
Thesis | (2005) Objections to Astrology - what are the underlying assumptions? Bath
Book | (2008) Astrology & Philosophy - a discourse on time and instincts. Lisbon
Book | (2209) One Heaven and Two Ways - José Saramago and José-Augusto França. Lisbon
Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
©Jose Prudencio | March 2019

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